I might need you to hold me tonight I might need you to say it's alright
Do you remember not long ago? When we used to live for the nighttime Cherish each moment Now we don't live we exist We just run through our lives So alone That's why you've got to hold me
A tia-avó catequista nas horas vagas. Reformada, solteirona (provavelmente virgem), cheira a bolas de naftalina. Começa a apresentar os primeiros sintomas de alzheimer pelo que nem tudo o que se lê no seu blog deve ser levado a sério!... ah! o celibato é involuntário!
7 disseram à tia:
I might need you to hold me tonight
I might need you to say it's alright
Do you remember not long ago?
When we used to live for the nighttime
Cherish each moment
Now we don't live we exist
We just run through our lives
So alone
That's why you've got to hold me
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very beautiful!
óooh tia...e não é o que todas desejamos?! :)
Também quero :)
beijinho Tia
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